Rick Hawley of Oregon Discusses Finding High-Quality Property in Oregon
Rick Hawley has worked in the Oregon real estate market for years and understands its unique ups and downs. Even with the COVID-19 pandemic raging throughout the nation, he’s found that property is still at a premium in the state. As a result, it is vital for people interested in investing throughout this area to understand how to identify the best possible land for their purchases, ensuring a potential for faster sales.
Rick Hawley of Oregon Examines Unique Oregon Real Estate Options
Rick Hawley loves Oregon because of its uniquely diverse range of property types. Few states in the nation have access to so many beautiful natural areas close to such densely populated urban zones. The land type varies from flat plains to rolling hills and beautiful mountains. This diversity may be overwhelming to first-time investors, requiring you to focus your buying in markets that make sense for you.
For example, Oregon has access to ocean-front property, large urban cities on the cutting-edge of technology, and out-of-the-way mountain retreats. All of these options work well for the right investor. So, make sure that you understand what kind of property you want to buy. Doing so helps to minimize unnecessary expenses and focuses your real estate empire in a way that enhances your audience.
Rick Hawley has researched a few different inexpensive investment options for people throughout Oregon. He identified 10 cities where the property is reasonably priced. These include Springfield, Dallas, Keizer, Woodburn, Eugene, Coos Bay, Lebanon, Pendleton, Damascus, and Salem, in ascending order of average costs. These are also some of the most vibrant and high-quality places to invest.
The types of property prevalent in these areas depend on a handful of different factors. First, cities like Eugene and Salem focus more on residential property due to the high demand for living space throughout each. These spots are popular for commercial property, too, because a large number of Oregon’s most prominent companies operate out of these areas and provide a robust financial impetus.
Rick Hawley points out, though, that affordable isn’t always better for investment. That’s because some land or property is inexpensive for a reason. This situation could mean that it isn’t desirable for residents, doesn’t have a strong market, or simply lacks proper marketing and advertising. Focusing on only the highest-quality options gives you a better chance of success in this crowded market.
For example, vacation land is often a massive market in Oregon, taking up a significant portion of its real estate purchases. This beautiful state provides the holiday market with many fascinating and incredible natural vistas. As these areas are in demand, it is often a good idea to buy an undeveloped property and convert it into a livable situation. Doing so can help you increase your prices and recoup your investments.